Rethinking Remounts – Developing a national standard for ambulance remounts

Rethinking_Remounts_Front_CoverWe are pleased to share with you some of the latest developments with the CAAS GVS Remount Standard project.

Rethinking Remounts  is an excellent article from the August 2017 issue of JEMS that outlines some of the most important details of CAAS’s June Remount Forum in Charlotte.

Also, since the June Remount Forum, we have received over 65 applications for the Remount Standard Work Group, and the application process is now complete. Our objective is to sort through those applications over the next 2-3 weeks and designate voting members of the Work Group. The overall membership of the group will be balanced by primary function of the applicant’s organization.

We have plans for the Remount Work Group to meet in Raleigh, NC, on September 21, 2017, for a one day meeting.
This will be the first of three planned meetings for this group. All interested parties are invited to attend and participate.

We appreciate all the interest our Remount Standard efforts have generated.