CAAS v4.0 Accreditation Standards – Second Public Comment Closed

The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) is pleased to announce the second public comment period on the proposed draft of the CAAS Accreditation Standards document version 4.0. All materially affected parties including members of the EMS community, EMS groups and associations, affiliated healthcare groups and associations, members of other public health and safety communities, and the general public are encouraged to review and comment on these proposed standards.

The revision of the CAAS Accreditation Standards was an extensive process conducted by the Standards Review Committee, a diverse and comprehensive team of EMS, Fire, and healthcare professionals that has dedicated hundreds of work hours and engaged with subject matter experts and materially impacted stakeholders across EMS and healthcare to create this draft of the v4.0 CAAS Accreditation Standards.

These standards were developed in accordance with the standard establishing policies set forth by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI.) CAAS is an ANSI Standards Developing Organization (SDO) committed to the development of Ambulance Accreditation Standards in a fair, balanced, accessible, and responsive manner.

The second public comment period will start on October 14, 2022 and end at midnight on December 13, 2022. A comment form will appear below during this period.

The second public comment period closed on December 13th, 2022. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback!