Version 4.0 Standard Summaries

The following content represents a high level summary of the CAAS Standard Version 4.0. It is intended to provide a general introduction to Version 4.0. It does not, however, include all the characteristics associated with each Standard nor does it list the specific documentation required with an agency’s application submission. Please click here to purchase the CAAS Standard Version 4.0.


The clear delineation of service ownership, organizational structure and mission/core values is necessary to assure accountability to customers, partners, medical oversight, and local/state/federal authorities. These standards are important for the organization to maximize its own effectiveness.

101.01 Ownership
Full disclosure of the agency ownership is required.

101.02 Organizational Structure
Documentation of the organizational structure is required so that lines of responsibility and authority can be clearly delineated.

The purpose of these standards is to establish general management policies and practices not specifically addressed in other sections.

102.01 Policies and Procedures
The organization shall maintain written policies and procedures for all aspects of the agency’s operation.

102.02 Strategic Planning
The agency shall have a process in place for short, mid-range, and long-term strategic planning.

102.03 Leadership Development
The agency shall demonstrate its commitment to ongoing development of its leadership.

102.04 Information Management
The agency shall have a process in place for the security and retention of essential documents.

The standards in this section relate to the general need for an emergency medical services provider to accurately track and plan for its fiscal resources while meeting its day-to-day management responsibilities.

103.01 Financial Policy
The agency will make provisions and provide direction for the management of its fiscal affairs.

103.02 Budgeting and Financial Statements
The agency shall utilize a written budget and financial performance measurements.

103.03 Accounts Receivable
If patient billing and collection is a function carried out by or on behalf of the agency, the agency shall have written account receivable policies.

103.04 Insurance
The agency shall have insurance coverage to address financial risk issues.

Due to the high visibility and unique expertise of EMS agencies, there exists a responsibility to keep the public well informed about out-of-hospital care and related health issues. These agencies must maintain a respected, high profile to enhance out-of-hospital care in their communities.

104.01 Community Education, Health Promotion and Injury Prevention
The agency shall have established programs designed to educate the public about out-of-hospital care, health promotion and injury prevention.

104.02 Community Relations
The agency shall have practices in place to strengthen its image and relationship within the community.

104.03 Media Relations
The agency shall have established methods to promote ongoing media relations.

104.04 Marketing Relations
The agency shall have established methods to conduct ongoing marketing activities and initiatives.

The process by which an EMS agency selects, trains, engages with, and fosters a positive working relationship with employees is critical to the success of the agency.

105.01 Credentials
All operations level employees shall maintain current credentials by the applicable authorities to fulfill the requirements of their job descriptions.

105.02 Compensation Package
The agency shall describe its compensation and benefit package for employees.

105.03 Discipline and Corrective Action
Disciplinary consequences and the events that result in discipline must be clearly delineated.

105.04 Internal Conflict Resolution
The agency shall have a clearly defined policy for handling employee grievances and concerns.

105.05 Recruitment, Hiring and Retention
The agency shall have recruitment practices that consistently allow for hiring and retention of qualified employees in accordance with Equal Opportunity Act guidelines.

105.06 Employee Training and Development
The agency shall have established programs designed to appropriately train new employees and to provide ongoing training for all employees.

105.07 Conduct
The agency shall have an established standard for professional conduct.

105.08 Performance Feedback
The agency shall have established standards for providing regular performance feedback to employees.

105.09 Subcontractor Personnel
If the agency utilizes subcontractor personnel, it must ensure that they meet all CAAS Standards for employees.


Compliance standards are required to assure that internal controls are in place to efficiently monitor adherence to applicable statutes, regulations, and program requirements.

106.01 Compliance Program
The organization shall develop and maintain a corporate compliance program that covers all material areas of the agency’s operations where compliance obligations exist.

EMS organizational safety programs consist of beliefs, attitudes, and practices in all areas to reduce errors, improve overall safety, and result in better outcomes and prevent unintended injuries and illnesses.

107.01 Safety Culture
The Just Culture methodology balances open and honest reporting of adverse events with a quality learning environment and culture of safety, focusing on safe system design and management of employee behavioral choices.

107.02 Adverse Event Reporting
The agency shall have a process for identifying, reporting, tracking, and resolving any adverse events or unusual occurrences.

107.03 Loss Control
The agency shall have an established process to identify and mitigate loss.


Well-defined clinical standards and Medical Director oversight are essential to the provision of quality out-of-hospital healthcare.

201.01 Medical Oversight
Strong leadership and guidance from an agency’s medical director is key to establishing current, appropriate clinical standards.

201.02 Clinical Protocols
Consistently following established medical protocols is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.

201.03 Medical Records
Complete and accurate medical records are necessary to report and track patient care.

201.04 Staffing
Appropriate levels of trained staff will be assigned to requests for service.

201.05 Clinical Quality Improvement
The agency shall have a comprehensive performance improvement program addressing clinical quality.

Continuous medical education is necessary to provide high quality patient care services. A high-quality EMS system depends on competent clinical/patient care providers who meet or exceed local and state requirements.

202.01 Continuing Medical Education
The agency shall provide a high-quality continuing medical education program sufficient to meet the CMS requirements for its employees.


Positive, ongoing inter-agency relations are necessary to provide high quality patient care services. A high-quality EMS system depends on cooperation between various types of public safety agencies and all local EMS providers. The following standards are to emphasize these relationships.

301.01 Inter-Agency Communications and Relations
The agency shall have established and ongoing communications and relationships with area EMS agencies, public safety agencies, hospitals and other healthcare and government officials to facilitate improved relationships and improved service coordination.

301.02 Mutual Aid
The agency shall develop and maintain relationships with other EMS/public safety organizations in its immediate or neighboring service areas.

301.03 Hazard Preparation and Coordination
The agency shall identify, prepare for, and have the ability to respond to hazardous situations within the community.


The agency shall have an organized plan for responding to requests for service and ensuring that those requests are handled effectively and efficiently.

302.01 Operational Response Plans
A comprehensive response plan is essential in providing timely, appropriate resources to requests for service.

302.02 Radio Communications
The agency shall provide capabilities for immediate, direct communications between its providers and the communications center.

Comprehensive safety standards are the requirement to assure that patients, employees, and the agency are protected from harm.

303.01 Vehicle Safety
Programs and procedures exist to address the safe operation of agency vehicles.

303.02 Employee Safety
The agency shall have programs in place to protect the safety of employees.

303.03 Safe Patient Operations
The agency shall have programs in place to protect the safety of patients.

303.04 Patient Personal Property
The agency shall have plans in place to properly care for patient personal property.

All equipment and facilities must be maintained to a high standard to assure the delivery of safe, quality patient care.

304.01 Vehicles
Agency vehicles shall be in good working order, allowing for safe, reliable transportation.

304.02 Vehicle Maintenance
Programs shall be in place to provide comprehensive vehicle maintenance.

304.03 Medical Equipment and Supplies
Medical equipment shall be sufficiently stocked and maintained to allow for the safe delivery of quality patient care.

304.04 Facilities
The agency shall maintain all facilities in good condition, creating a safe, healthy, and appropriate work environment.


Note – This section includes standards that address programs or functions that may not be conducted by every agency. Agencies that do perform any of these functions at any level are required to meet and demonstrate compliance with the associated standards.

In addition to all previous section standards, agencies conducting any level of Dispatch/Communications services will also demonstrate compliance with these specific standards.

401.01 Communications Center Policies and Procedures
Efficient call taking, effective resource deployment and continuous communications capabilities are required to maintain an effective EMS agency.

401.02 Contingency Planning
The agency shall have sufficient back-up means to continue operation in the event of an equipment or power failure.

401.03 Preventive Maintenance
Programs shall be in place to provide comprehensive communications equipment maintenance.

401.04 Communications Education and Training
The agency shall have an established training program to assure that employees are trained to properly perform the communication center duties.

401.05 Licensure
The agency shall maintain necessary licenses for the operation of the communications frequencies and equipment.

401.06 Communications Inter-Agency Dialogue
The agency shall maintain on-going dialogue with other area communications agencies to facilitate improved relationships and service coordination.

401.07 Communications Performance Improvement
The agency shall have a comprehensive performance improvement program addressing communications center quality.

In addition to all previous section standards, agencies offering Specialty Care Transport services will also demonstrate compliance with these specific standards.

402.01 Specialty Care Transport Programs
Agencies which plan for and accept scheduled or unscheduled high-acuity transports between healthcare facilities requiring specialized personnel, training, equipment and/or skills beyond the normal scope of practice of an EMS provider are conducting Specialty Care Transports (SCT)

In addition to all previous section standards, agencies offering Specialized Response Teams/Programs will also demonstrate compliance with these specific standards.

403.01 Mobile Integrated Health/Community Paramedicine
The provision of community-based, patient-centered, mobile health care and resources tailored to the needs of the individual and connecting them to a broad spectrum of appropriate care (social services, clinics, MD offices, hospital emergency departments.

403.02 Specialty Teams
The provision of specialized teams of employees established by the agency for unique response purposes. Examples may include: wilderness rescue, bike teams, swift water rescue, dive teams, high angle rescue, SWAT teams, etc.